In an excerpt from his new book “Paris in Ruins,” critic Sebastian Smee breaks down the charged, extravagantly expressive ...
Their villa at Giverny remained a base of operations throughout their lives. As the century waned, Monet grew bolder: He ...
As an insurrection is ruthlessly suppressed, two Impressionist painters find their way to each other.
A National Gallery of Art curator told JNS that it is “quite striking” that the only painting in the 1874 Impressionism show ...
The new show takes and intimate, biographical approach to the ‘father of Modern art,” and the people he painted.
Sebastian Smee’s “Paris in Ruins” follows the lives and careers of Manet, Degas and Berthe Morisot during the Franco-Prussian ...
The Piper Bangs solo, "Fruiting Body," is one of the inaugural exhibitions at the new Megan Mulrooney, Los Angeles.
Mr. Verrier, 44, an artist who lives in Tallahassee, Fla., has carved out a lucrative niche on social media with his still ...
Noah Verrier deploys Impressionist techniques to depict chicken nuggets, cheesesteaks, and a TikTok favorite, the purple ...
A tour of the National Gallery’s landmark exhibition with our Van Gogh expert Martin Bailey, plus a new book on zoning in on ...
Usant d’un style figuratif qui capture des scènes contemporaines, l’artiste peintre, Bilel Hamdad manie avec maîtrise ses pinceaux sur des toiles imprégnées de détails subtils inspirés de grands maîtr ...
Il fait partie de ceux qui ne s’ennuient jamais. Copilote professionnel et actuel leader du W2RC, championnat du monde de rallye-raid, Edouard Boulanger est aussi président d’Athletica ...