This measure is a great first step to eliminating extremism poisoning public discourse. Voters on all sides should vote yes.
This election we have the opportunity to vote for fairness by voting ‘yes’ on Question 2 ... to punish individual students ...
The new Seattle Transportation Levy was crafted with input from a broad coalition, including our organizations: ...
With election day about two months away, Floridians will have to decide not only who they will choose to occupy the White ...
If you're a college student wondering if you can vote in your college town, the answer is yes! Whether you're an in-state or ...
Groups launching text banking, post-card writing and billboards favoring no-excuse absentee voting referendum in Connecticut.
A residential street in Bayside was closed on Monday evening to accommodate the substantial crowd of residents who showed up ...
If passed, the ballot measure would permit residents over 21 to possess, buy or consume marijuana recreationally.
This is not just a matter of fairness; it’s about preserving the integrity of our democracy. Let’s stand together to keep Maine’s elections free, fair, and focused on the needs of our citizens, not on ...
Leading voices from Maine’s outdoor recreation, conservation, and economic development communities today launched a campaign ...
"We do not need to ruin lives & waste Taxpayer Dollars arresting adults with personal amounts of it on them, and no one ...